Historische kostuums
- Butterick - B4254 15,50 /
- McCall's - 8137 16,50 /
- Butterick - B5371 15,50 /
- McCall's - 7965 16,50 /
- Simplicity - 8941
13,00Vanaf 9,75 / - Simplicity - 9251 16,50 /
- Butterick - B6692 15,50 /
- Simplicity - 9090 16,50 /
- Simplicity - 9247
16,50Vanaf 12,38 / - McCall's - 7941 16,50 /
- Simplicity - 2172 13,00 /
- McCall's - 7732 16,50 /
- Burda - 2768 15,95 /
- Simplicity - 9634 16,00 /
- Vogue - 1931 25,50 /
- Simplicity - 9088 16,50 /
- McCall's The Vault Coll. - 2048* 14,95 /
- McCall's The Vault Coll. - 2030* 14,95 /
- McCall's The Vault Coll. - 2008* 14,95 /
- Butterick - B6399 15,50 /
- Folkwear - 131
20,9815,74 / - McCall's The Vault Coll. - 2025* 14,95 /
- Folkwear - 221
20,9815,74 / - Truly Victorian - TV460
17,9813,49 / - Burda - 9473 15,95 /
- Truly Victorian - TV304
18,9814,24 / - Folkwear - 266
22,9817,24 / - Folkwear - 230
20,9815,74 / - Folkwear - 219
20,9815,74 / - Folkwear - 144
22,9817,24 / - Folkwear - 126 20,98 /
- McCall's The Vault Coll. - 2046* 14,95 /
- McCall's - M6817 16,50 /
- Truly Victorian - TV420
17,98Vanaf 13,49 / - McCall's The Vault Coll. - 2047* 14,95 /
- Folkwear - 143
20,9815,74 / - Folkwear - 124
20,9815,74 /